What is eye tracking in gaming?

An eye tracker gives your computer the knowledge of where you are looking on-screen. Eye tracking technology can enhance your gameplay experience by allowing you to use head and eye movements to control the in-game camera, and to affect and interact with game environments. 

Benefits of eye tracking in games?

Natural Targeting​

Natural Targeting

Locate and shoot at your enemies by centering on your targets when you look at them. Press the aim command, and efficiently shoot at the target you had in sight.

Infinite Screen

Infinite Screen

Your eyes direct the in-game camera, immersing you in the game world by automatically moving the screen according to where you look.

Immersive Graphics

Immersive Graphics

HUD elements such as maps and status bar are only highlighted when you look at them, fading to give you a better full screen game experience when you're looking away.



Characters and objects in the environment can sense when you are looking at them and respond to your gaze, allowing for more realistic - or supernatural - interactions.

Technology creates immersion

Tobii creates eye tracker devices, including integrations with high performance gaming laptops and monitors as an extension of a gamer’s intentions. You can play games that are fully integrated with eye tracking features for a more immersive, natural and intuitive experience.